1 minute read

My biggest problem with snake_case in programming is that I find it flow-breaking to write the underscore separator character.

If I had a dedicated underscore key on my keyboard it would be a lot easier to cope with.

There are some guides that suggest AutoHotKey remapping a key, but I did not have the opportunity to install AutoHotKey on my work computer.

But the Windows PowerToys package from Microsoft is allowed on my PC, and that has a built in Keyboard Manager.

In PowerToys you are able to remap Shortcuts:

Screenshot showing the remapping of shortcuts functionality in PowerToys
Remapping shortcuts in PowerToys

By using the remap functionality you can easily add remaps for singular apps so they do not get in the way for shortcuts in other apps!

This way I added the shortcut Shift-Space to write _ instead of doing nothing in Godot Engine! I just need one hand to write a underscore now. Finally I can write Python or GDScript without annoyances!

In the future I might consider remapping CAPS_LOCK as a dedicated underscore key, as that makes it just a single key-press for an underscore. Making it just as easy to write snake_case as camelCase!

Thats it for this time. Hope this helps someone out!

// Nils Henrik


